Sunday, May 10, 2009

On Mamas

"I'll always love my Mama, she's my favorite only get one" Respect your mothers today and everyday. And mothers: love yourself first.

Going to take a break today from raggin' on tired mofos and drama best reserved for your mama, in honor of this day. After all , I am someone's Mom and I deserve a break from the madness. Shame folks don't stop and think about what they do. What would your mother say? Like when you step out in some ill fitting, inappropriate, I can see the crack of your pimply behind type outfit, did you not stop and think: "My mother would tell me to get my behind back in the house and change" or does what she thinks not matter? Or maybe you have one of those mothers who's trying to borrow your credit card slot baring pants? I digress. I promised to let it go today in honor of the coolest mother EVER--drum roll please--mine!

So enjoy your Mom and even the baby mamas with major drama, the mother of your children, the woman who is like a mother to you and all the other women who should be honored on this day. Who else to buy you grape soda?

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